In the event of inclement weather or facility issues, a Remind will be sent out to you for information on up-to-the-minute closing of our center.

1/30/23 : We are monitoring the weather and are keeping up-to-date with the decisions made by LISD. At this time we are open and expect a disruption to our daily schedule Tuesday and/or Wednesday. We will keep you posted as information comes in.

Stay Safe and warm!


In the event of inclement weather, Twin Lakes CDC will follow the LISD schedule. TLCDC will send out a REMIND 101 Notice if we are expecting delays or closings. (If you have not signed up for the REMIND System please follow the instructions below.) Stay tuned to your local news stations to stay updated as well as our Facebook Page. (NOTE: If LISD is delayed by two hours then TLCDC start time will be the same as LISD. ex; if LISD starts at 7:45 am and is 2hrs delayed then they would start at 9:45 am so TLCDC would follow and start at 9:45 am as well).

Remind 101:

If you would like to be on the Remind 101 System for notifications please follow the steps below. This process will only take about 30 seconds!

 To Receive Text Messages:

  • Text:         @lilang
  • TO:            (832) 900-3278
  • Don’t forget to respond with your Name!

 To Receive Email Messages:

Email:                  [email protected]

*You can leave the subject line blank.

*An email notification will arrive. Please verify your request with the response email!

To view other local school closures, click here.